22 Nov 2018
Rabbit LINE Pay and Rabbit Card offer greater convenience to BTS passengers
Rabbit LINE Pay launching the innovative payment service,the launching is aimed at facilitating BTS passengers’ fare payments throughRabbit LINE Pay. The service is a result of collaboration between Rabbit LINEPay, a leading mobile payment operator, Rabbit Card and BTS. Through theirsmartphones, passengers can register for the service, add the stored value, buytrips, check the outstanding stored value and review their trip history.Passengers can deduct fares from Rabbit LINE Pay’s e-wallet or from theircredit or debit card which be linked with Rabbit LINE Pay. The service includesnotifications prior to fare deduction and notifications when trips are boughtvia LINE or when the outstanding stored value is below the fare, to assuretransparency and enhance convenience. The service is now available at theticketing offices at all BTS stations.
As of October 2018, over 10 million Rabbit Cards have beenin use, Rabbit LINE Pay serves 5 million users and the numbers jumped 50% inless than 6 months. Amid the rapid growth of users, the number of participatingmerchants nationwide has grown to more than 50,000. By the end of 2018, thenumber of merchants is expected to reach 60,000, Rabbit LINE Pay aim to growthe number of bound cards to 500,000 by the end of 2018.
The cooperation not only offers BTS passengers’ greaterconvenience but also acts as a catalyst in turning Thailand to a cashlesssociety and driving Thais towards the Thailand 4.0 era. The service also servesa goal to make Rabbit LINE Pay the No.1 mobile payment platform in Thailand.
Mr. Jin-Woo Lee, chief executive officer of Rabbit LINE PayCo., Ltd.(Left), Mr.Surapong Laoha-Unya, chief operating officer of BangkokMass Transit System PLC. (Middle) ,Ms. Ratchnee Saensinchai, managing director of Bangkok Smartcard System Co., Ltd.(Right)