17 Aug 2022
VGI x BTS Unveils “Learning Station” – The First Digital Sky Library on BTS National Stadium Station
Ms. Oranuch Rujirawan, Chief Sales Officer of VGI PLC or VGI, the leader of Offline-to-Online (“O2O”) Marketing Solutions on multiple platforms, together with Mr. Sumit Srisantithum, Chief Operating Officer of Bangkok Mass Transit System Public Company Limited, and Miss Narisara Srisan, Strategic Communication Advisor of Bangkok Mass Transit System Public Company Limited, joined Chulabhorn Royal Academy and the Office of Knowledge Management and Development (OKMD) at the opening ceremony of the Public Learning Center on BTS National Stadium station on 17 August 2022. The event was presided by Professor Doctor Nithi Mahanonda, Secretary General of Chulabhorn Royal Academy and the Chair of the National Reform Committee on Culture, Sports, Labour and Human Resources. This Public Learning Center has been set up as a digital library equipped with wifi service, allowing commuters and the general public to gain access to a wealth of knowledge that they can make use of now and in the future. Moreover, commuters can download e-books onto their electronic devices via QR codes to read during their journeys. This initiative is part of the National Reform Committee’s agenda to promote lifelong learning among the Thai population. Sponsors of the e-books include Thailand Knowledge Park (TK Park), the Tourism Authority of Thailand and the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration.
The Digital Sky Library on BTS National Stadium station is fully operational from today onwards.